Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prayers for the Team

From Greg:
My prayer is that this trip would redouble our enthusiasm to joyfully serve this mission in our capacities as leaders and sponsors, and that God grant that we will be able to effectively communicate the spirit of this mission trip to the many sponsors back home that we are representing on this journey.

I would also ask for prayers for my wife Peggy, who has had to withdraw from the trip due to health issues.

From Bob:
My prayer requests...
  1. Safe, easy, and uneventful journey for Emily Bosh
  2. That the travel team will work together and have no disagreements
  3. That we would see God's work in Meru and provide encouragement to the teachers, students, and board members to continue their work
  4. Prayers and support for the students
  5. Prayers and encouragement for the Board of Hope International Ministry Trust
  6. Prayers for Elijah Mwirigi (Board member) and his work
From Karen:
My prayer request would be that we would be able to make meaningful connections with the HOPE team and the children we are sponsoring, from Amalia to Zaleen. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to meet these youngsters and their families. May they feel as blessed as I do.

From Emily:
My main prayer requests...
  1. Health and safety for everyone on our team
  2. Open hearts, minds, ears for what God has in store for us there
  3. For our fellowship as a team to be "sweet incense to the Lord"
  4. For our encounters with friends in Kenya to be life-changing; may we be the hands and feet of Jesus to change their lives, and may they do the same for us

1 comment:

  1. Jambo Sojourners! I am holding you all in prayer today and can hardly wait to hear all about your adventures in Kenya.

    Gwendolyn Harlowe Moffitt was born last night at 11:18 pm weighing in at 7.6 and 20 inches with a head full of dark hair; beautiful of course. As I hold her, I will pray for the children you will meet and may God go with each and all.

    Love in Jesus, always,
